Emoji’s Are Changing How We Communicate

Emoji’s Are Changing How We Communicate

Love them ❤️or hate them 💔, emojis are everywhere, spreading through our texts, social media posts, and emails. They’re in our inboxes 📧, on the big screen 🎥, and even being used as evidence 💬 in courtrooms. Local tech blogger, Kevin Andrews, is with us this morning to weigh in …..

Online Translation Privacy Risks

Online Translation Privacy Risks

Say you need a quick document translation. You choose an online tool like translate.com or Google Translate, pick the language you want, copy your text, drop the text in, and presto! In moments you can read a version in your desired tongue. Great, right? Not if your translating personal, private, …..

Is Your Smart Device Eavesdropping On You?

Is Your Smart Device Eavesdropping On You?

You’re scrolling through your social media feed or cruising your favorite website when there it is — staring back at you, an advertisement for that obscure item you just casually mentioned in conversation with a friend. You didn’t Google search it, or even write about it in a text. While …..

Machines That Sniff Out Sickness

Machines That Sniff Out Sickness

Using breath and body odor to help diagnose disease might come as a surprise to some but people have known for thousands of years that our smells and the odor that we emit can be related to our health status. In both ancient Chinese and Greek medical texts there are …..

Cellphones and Cancer: What Largest Study Ever Reveals

Cellphones and Cancer: What Largest Study Ever Reveals

If you’re like the vast majority of people these days, your cell phone is not just your friend − it’s more like an appendage. But then your smartphone has so much to offer. Besides using it for calling and texting, you can surf the Internet, use it as a personal …..

Email Trackers

Email Trackers

In past episodes we have discussed how smartphones and their corresponding apps are able to track your location down to a very fine detail. Well, it now looks like your email can do the same and that old time honored excuse “I didn’t get your email’ does not apply anymore. …..

Are Notifications Stressing You Out?

Are Notifications Stressing You Out?

No doubt, you’ve got lots of apps installed on your phone. Maybe several messaging apps, popular social media ones, the aspirational workout program or two, notes, to-dos, more games than you would like to admit, and of course the obligatory texting and email apps.  Chances are, one of them just …..

Be Careful; Your Apps Are Watching You

Be Careful; Your Apps Are Watching You

Turns out that many of your popular mobile apps contain hidden 3rd party trackers built into them where a single app can contain dozens of these trackers without you ever knowing they are working in the background.  Digital researchers from Yale’s privacy lab conducted an investigation into hundreds of popular …..

Using Technology To Reduce Traffic Jams

Using Technology To Reduce Traffic Jams

Almost everyone has sat through a traffic jam. It’s awful in so many ways — the constant stopping, cars as far as the eye can see and worst of all, the lack of explanation for what caused it once you drive up to the front. Turns out there’s a term …..

Meltdown and Spectre bugs: How to protect your devices from the security chip flaw

Meltdown and Spectre bugs: How to protect your devices from the security chip flaw

A set of security flaws being called Meltdown and Spectre that have been found in most modern devices could allow hackers to steal personal information from your computer, smartphone and tablet. Researchers at Google and other academic institutions discovered the problem last year but have only disclosed it earlier this …..

Apple Slowing iPhones To Compensate For Degraded Batteries

Apple Slowing iPhones To Compensate For Degraded Batteries

If you have an older iPhone  model with an aging battery you might have noticed it running a little slower these days. Recently, tech giant Apple apologized for secretly slowing down older iPhones with an update  over a year ago , a move it said was necessary to avoid unexpected …..


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