
Malware Malady

Even though we’ve just stared into a new year, people have been  having all kinds of malware related issues. On Open Line With Paddy Daly I discuss a little bit about what malware is, how people can get infected and how to protect against it.

The Digital Divide For 5G technology

The Digital Divide For 5G technology

Millimetre wave is a key technology that makes our new 5G cell phone networks even more transformative. But advocates against this technology claim that this radio frequency radiation can cause long-term health effects. On VOCM’s Morning Show we discuss the implications of this technology and what it means for Canadians. …..


Twitter Takeover Turned Into Chaos

For Canadians Twitter has been a virtual town square where we exchange information and ideas about some of our biggest success. With Elon Musk’s takeover and changes just implemented, the tech world is up in arms. Click on PLAY above to listen to the interview with VOCM’s morning show.  


Online Cheating And Remote Learning

After talking with many educators and professionals in this area, it is obvious that students have taken online cheating to a whole new level in this digital age. On VOCM’s Morning Show we discuss the implications and what it means for Canadians.


Should We Be Complacent With Data Breaches?

Tech Talk on VOCM is a weekly tech spot highlighting the latest tech news and gadget reviews. On this episode we discuss how data breaches seem to be the new norm for all companies.  

Google Brings Fake News Fact-Checking to Search Results

Google Brings Fake News Fact-Checking to Search Results

We live in the age of fake news — both the really fake news that’s simply false and the kind of news that some people like to call “fake” only because they don’t like its hard hitting truth. As long as there’s money to be made from fake news (or …..

Fab Labs: The Future Of Innovation.

Fab Labs: The Future Of Innovation.

Fabrication labs or “Fab Labs” seem to be popping up all around the world these days. Whether you are a student, teacher, or someone with a great design idea these small-scale workshops aim to make “almost anything”. From flash drives to phones fabrication labs are changing the way people create …..

What’s Your Phone Telling Your Rental Car?

What’s Your Phone Telling Your Rental Car?

Your phone knows many things that can make a rental car feel like home — your music, your location history, your phone log. If you connect a mobile device to a rental car, it may also keep your mobile phone number, call and message logs, or even contacts and text …..


VOCM TechTalk – Is the iPhone 7 Worth The Wait?

Tech Talk on VOCM is a weekly tech spot highlighting the latest tech news and gadget reviews. On this episode we discuss Apple’s new flagship iPhone 7.  


VOCM TechTalk – What’s driving the connected car?

Tech Talk on VOCM is a weekly tech spot highlighting the latest tech news and gadget reviews. On this episode we discuss how ransomeware might be the next way hackers attack your vehicle.  

Misinterpreting A Buzzing Cellphone For A Muscle Twitch? Then You Might Have PVS?

Misinterpreting A Buzzing Cellphone For A Muscle Twitch? Then You Might Have PVS?

You swear you felt it, that buzzing sensation in your pocket indicating your phone has gone off. Somebody out there needs you and you must respond. You go to reach for your phone and realize it’s not there, so what did you just feel? This phenomenon is known as Phantom …..


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